Clearview Social’s New Badges and Email Customizations

Welcome back to another edition of What's New In ClearView Social. No pics of our adorable team or even more adorable dogs available today, so instead we'll get right down to it: Badges and Email Customization are what's new in ClearView Social these days.


If you own a Fitbit, have a fantasy football team, or play online games, you're familiar with the concept of achievements and/or badges! These popups unlock when you pass certain milestones on your journey inside a software, contest, or game. They help keep you aware of how far you've come, plus they give you braggin' rights over your less-badged peers. Now ClearView Social will offer these little dopamine-inducing prizes to your users as rewards for doing things like sharing, connecting more social networks, getting clicks, and using more features.

Here's a photo of a badge in action. Bill here just shared his second article in ClearView Social, and he got a notice that he unlocked a new achievement.

Who's a cool dude? Bill's a cool dude

You can learn more about earning badges: Earning Badges in ClearView Social

You can read up on the specific badges we offer: Available Badges

There will be more badges added as our software grows!

Email Customization

If your corporate branding or aesthetic taste requires that your ClearView Social communications don't have our bright-n-bubbly orange and blue look, but rather conform to your corporate style guide, we can help you with that. ClearView Social has always offered the option to pay for custom development time to implement completely customized queue templates, but if you just want to reskin the basics, you can now do that on your own.

Underneath the Company Settings page in ClearView Social, there's a subsection for Email Customization. In there, you're able to upload your own graphical assets and tweak individual pieces of the queue emails to better fit your corporate communications.

You can upload your company's logo and buttons and switch up the look of your team's Queue and Welcome emails. For instance, here's what a ClearView Social Queue looks like if the company was run by our dogs:

If you would like to customize something in these emails and you don't see the option yet, just ask! We will be adding more customizable settings to this page as customers request them.

Learn more about email customizations here: Customizing Your Team's Email Templates

One note: if you are from a company that has already paid ClearView to develop a fresh template custom to you, then these settings probably don't apply. Your Queues will be using a completely different template file that likely wasn't made to listen to these settings. If you are from such a firm and have further template customization requests, please contact us rather than use this page. (In fact, the page may appear disabled for you.)